Cookies in the domain

What are cookies?

A cookie is a small file containing a sequence of characters. It is sent to the user’s computer while they visit the given website. When the user revisits the website, thanks to the cookie file their browser may be recognised. Cookies may hold among other things the user’s preferences. In browser settings one may select two options: ‘reject cookies’ or ‘signal that a cookie has been sent’. Without cookies some functions or services on a given website may not work properly.

Cookies on the website

In common with many other websites, also uses cookies. They help create anonymous website use statistics, which make it easier to customise the website operation to the users’ needs.

The website also uses cookies to remember the user’s preferences (such as enlarged font or choosing an option of text view of the page).

Besides, for the time of visiting, the website saves a cookie with an individual visit ID number. Without a consent to save the cookie, users may not log in to our website (for instance, the section for journalists is unavailable in that case).

In a nutshell, the following types of cookies are used as part of the website

Cookie name

Recommended storage time

Saving purpose


1 year

Stores settings of information display about the use of cookies on the website.


Visiting time

Stores the session ID number (required by the website management software). The file is required to log in on the website.


4 weeks

Provides information about font enlargement settings.


2 years

Differentiates users. Data used by Google Analytics.


24 hours

Differentiates users. Data used by Google Analytics.


1 minute

Controls the number of Google Analytics requests. It does not store the data.

Article informations

Najwyższa Izba Kontroli
Date of creation:
05 February 2021 16:09
Date of publication:
05 February 2021 16:09
Published by:
Andrzej Gaładyk
Date of last change:
05 February 2021 16:09
Last modified by:
Andrzej Gaładyk

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