Accessibility Statement

The Supreme Audit Office of Poland undertakes to ensure its website is accessible under the Act of 4 April 2019 on Digital Accessibility of Websites and Mobile Applications of Public Entities. This accessibility statement applies to the website

Date of the website publication: 01/09/2010

Date of the last major update: 18/03/2018

Compatibility with the Act

The website partially complies with the Act of 4 April 2019 on Digital Accessibility of Websites and Mobile Applications of Public Entities. Reasons for partial non-compliance with the said Act include inconsistencies and exemptions listed below.

This website contains PDF files developed in a way which does not ensure their full digital accessibility. The documents will be gradually updated in line with the requirements of the Act of 4 April 2019 on Digital Accessibility of Websites and Mobile Applications of Public Entities.

The statement was prepared on 31/03/2023 based on self-assessment carried out by the public entity.

Additional elements of the website affecting accessibility

On the website one can use standard keyboard shortcuts for internet browsers.

The website contains basic information about NIK’s activity in the Polish sign language. Additionally, in the working hours of the facility deaf persons may contact NIK in an online mode via the Polish sign language interpreter.

Feedback and contact details

In case of any problems with the website accessibility, please contact Andrzej Gaładyk, the contact person who can be reached by email: or phone: +48 22 444 50 73. You can use the same channel to submit requests for inaccessible information or to file accessibility claims.

Information about the procedure

Everyone has the right to request digital accessibility of a website, mobile application or any of their elements. Also, everyone can request that information be made accessible through an alternative means of access, for example by reading out a digitally inaccessible document, describing the content of a video without audio description, etc. The request should contain details of the requester, indicate which website or mobile application it concerns and the method of contact. If the requester reports the need to receive information through an alternative means of access, he/she should also specify a convenient way of presenting this information.

The public entity should execute the request immediately, not later than within 7 days from the request date. If the deadline cannot be met, the public entity shall immediately inform the requester when it is possible to fulfil the request but the new deadline may not exceed 2 months from the request date. If digital accessibility cannot be provided, the public entity may offer an alternative way of accessing the information.

If the public entity refuses to execute the request to provide accessibility or an alternative means of access to information, the requester may lodge a complaint regarding the provision of digital accessibility of the website, mobile application or any of their elements.

After exhausting the above-mentioned procedure, a claim to the Ombudsman can be also filed.

Architectural accessibility

Address: Najwyższa Izba Kontroli (Supreme Audit Office of Poland), ul. Filtrowa 57, 02-056 Warsaw

Guests and clients use the main entrance to the building from Filtrowa Street. The yard can be accessed freely by persons with mobile disabilities through the barrier on the right (northern) side of the yard, without the need to climb the stairs in the arcade of the building wings.

There are three stairs leading to the main entrance in the central part of the yard. On the right (western) side of the stairs there is a ramp for wheelchair users. The width of the main entrance (when fully opened) is 1.5 metres.

The reception desk is located on the right from the entrance. As part of access control,  passage for wheelchair users is provided.

In the entrance hall there is a platform for disabled persons to move from the hall to the ground floor in the left (eastern) wing of the building. To move on around the building one can use lifts located in the extreme front (northern) wings of the building.

The toilet for disabled persons is found on the first floor in the middle part of the building.

There are three parking spaces designated for disabled persons in front of the building.

One can enter the building and all its areas with a service dog or with a guide dog.

NIK’s guests and clients may use the portable induction loop. The need to use this device can be reported at the reception desk from Filtrowa Street or with the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and Digital Accessibility Coordinator.

The building lacks any Braille signs, contrast markings or large-print information for blind and partially sighted individuals.

At the reception and in any other place one can use the Polish sign language interpreter in an online mode. The service is available in NIK’s office hours. The service is free for deaf persons.

There is a voice alarm system installed in the building to provide voice messages. Voice communication is also available in lifts.

How to reach NIK headquarters using public transport

One can reach NIK headquarters by tram (lines 14 or 15), getting off at tram stop “NIK”. The distance from the tram stop to the main entrance of the NIK building is about 60 metres. The pedestrian crossing next to the tram stop has dropped kerbs and zebra markings.

Article informations

Najwyższa Izba Kontroli
Date of creation:
04 April 2023 15:37
Date of publication:
04 April 2023 15:37
Published by:
Andrzej Gaładyk
Date of last change:
04 April 2023 15:46
Last modified by:
Andrzej Gaładyk

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