Jubilee issues

Jubilee issues are published on the occasion of round anniversaries of the establishment of the Supreme Audit Office of Poland. To differentiate, their graphic layout is always golden in colour. They contain, among others, occasional letters sent by top state dignitaries, addresses by NIK Presidents, essays by eminent experts in the field of auditing and reminiscences of NIK staff members. They present the history of audit bodies in Poland, and provide an opportunity to present original documents related to their activities.

Article informations

Najwyższa Izba Kontroli
Date of creation:
17 August 2018 12:15
Date of publication:
17 August 2018 12:15
Published by:
Andrzej Gaładyk
Date of last change:
17 August 2018 12:15
Last modified by:
Andrzej Gaładyk

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„Kontrola Państwowa”
Najwyższa Izba Kontroli
ul. Filtrowa 57, 02-056 Warszawa
e-mail kpred@nik.gov.pl

Marzena Repetowska-Nyc

tel. +48 22 444 53 11
e-mail Marzena.Repetowska-Nyc@nik.gov.pl


Main Specialist
Jacek Matwiejczyk

tel. +48 22 444 54 01
e-mail Jacek.Matwiejczyk@nik.gov.pl

Main Specialist
Agnieszka Kołodziejczyk

tel. +48 22 444 58 15
e-mail Agnieszka.Kolodziejczyk@nik.gov.pl


Statistical editor
Wiesław Karliński, Ph.D., eng.