Members of the NIK Council

  • Marian Banaś, President of the Supreme Audit Office
  • Michał Jędrzejczyk, Vice-President of NIK
  • Jacek Kozłowski, Vice-President of NIK
  • Piotr Miklis, Vice-President of NIK
  • Jarosław Melnarowicz, Director General of the Supreme Audit Office

Scholars in law and economics

  • Prof. Patrycja Zawadzka, Dr hab[1]
  • Prof. Adam Mariański, Dr hab
  • Prof. Mariusz Jabłoński, Dr hab
  • Karol Bielski, PhD
  • Sylweriusz Króla, PhD
  • Prof. Czesław Martysz, Dr hab
  • Dawid Sześciło, Dr hab

Representatives of the auditing organisational units of the Supreme Audit Office or Advisors to the President of NIK

  • Grzegorz Walendzik, PhD
    Director of the Regional Branch of the Supreme Audit Office in Kielce
  • Janusz Pawelczyk
    Acting Director of the Regional Branch of the Supreme Audit Office in Białystok
  • Tomasz Sobecki, PhD
    Acting Director of the Regional Branch of the Supreme Audit Office in Bydgoszcz
  • Piotr Walczak
    Acting Director of the Regional Branch of the Supreme Audit Office in Łódz
  • Agnieszka Rejmer-Kopania
    Advisor to the President of the Supreme Audit Office
  • Małgorzata Humel-Maciewiczak
    Advisor to the President of the Supreme Audit Office
  • Grzegorz Haber
    Advisor to the President of the Supreme Audit Office

[1] Doctor Habilitatus or PhD with Habilitation - the highest academic degree in the Polish educational system.

Article informations

Najwyższa Izba Kontroli
Date of creation:
19 June 2012 14:56
Date of publication:
19 June 2012 14:56
Published by:
Andrzej Gaładyk
Date of last change:
05 April 2024 10:36
Last modified by:
Andrzej Gaładyk

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