Auditor General of the SAI of North Macedonia visited NIK

The agreement signed by the heads of NIK and the SAI of North Macedonia is the basis for tightening professional and technical cooperation to improve the quality of public finance management based on INTOSAI and EUROSAI standards, develop auditors’ professional capacity by exchanging experience and good practice and vocational training to strengthen the audit capacity. Besides, the agreement provides for exchanging information and technical literature related to the activity of SAIs, including development of auditing standards and methodology.

Visit of Auditor General of the SAI of North Macedonia at NIK

The agreement also addresses cooperation in terms of the digitalisation progress via innovative approach, tools and modern techniques of data analysis in the auditing procedure and in presenting the audit results, such as designing visualisation, graphics, interactive dashboard.

The agreement provides for conducting parallel, coordinated or cooperative audits in the areas of common interest agreed upon, including audits of the implementation of the UN sustainable development goals, IT audits, ad hoc audits, investigative audits, using them for artificial intelligence audits and audits to prevent corruption and fraud.

During the meeting the heads of both institutions expressed the will to continue joint audits concerning current issues, such as the recently completed audit of municipalities’ own revenues and provision of services to citizens led by the SAI of North Macedonia.

Group photo of delegation of the SAI of North Macedonia and NIK representatives

Article informations

Najwyższa Izba Kontroli
Date of creation:
27 October 2023 17:05
Date of publication:
27 October 2023 17:05
Published by:
Marta Połczyńska
Date of last change:
27 October 2023 17:05
Last modified by:
Marta Połczyńska
Auditor General of the State Audit Office of the Republic of North Macedonia Maksim Acevski and NIK President Marian Banaś shaking hands over the signed agreement

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