Summary of joint report on cooperative audit as part of EUROSAI TFMA working group

On 26 September 2023, seven EU Member States met in Skopje as part of the EUROSAI Task Force on Municipal Audit (TFMA). The meeting was held to discuss and sum up results of the first international audit conducted as part of this group: Municipalities' own revenues for providing quality services to the citizens during pandemic.

EUROSAI TFMA event participants
EUROSAI TFMA event participants

NIK representatives presented results of the national audit and discussed the key findings, recommendations and good practices established during the audit.

Director of NIK Branch in Opole – Iwona Zyman
Director of NIK Branch in Opole – Iwona Zyman

The State Audit Office of the Republic of North Macedonia with six other SAIs: of Albania, Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Slovakia and Turkey conducted single audits of selected local governments and state institutions. In June 2023, the Joint Report with the audit summary was published. The main question defining the chief goal of the international audit was: “Are the municipalities’ own revenues enough to provide quality services to the citizens during pandemic?”.

Participants during presentation
Participants during presentation

SAIs taking part in the cooperative audit identified four main issues as significant for the local government operations in the pandemic, i.e. the crisis management system, municipality financing, providing services and post-crisis recovery. The audit was to verify how the municipalities implemented the policies and activities to provide sufficient revenues with a view to rendering quality services and generating joint conclusions and recommendations.

The joint report of the first cooperative TFMA audit

Article informations

Najwyższa Izba Kontroli
Date of creation:
05 October 2023 12:39
Date of publication:
05 October 2023 12:39
Published by:
Marta Połczyńska
Date of last change:
05 October 2023 12:49
Last modified by:
Marta Połczyńska
Summary of joint report on cooperative audit as part of EUROSAI TFMA working group

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