Spring session of the EUROSAI Working Group on Environmental Auditing

The meeting has been held in a hybrid mode – with some attendees in person, some virtually. Participants of the meeting have discussed the audits of activities taken with regard to climate changes and climate change adaptation efforts.

NIK President Marian Banaś giving a speech at the spring session of the EUROSAI Working Group on Environmental Auditing
NIK President Marian Banaś giving a speech at the EUROSAI WGEA spring session

The results of recent audits of the European Court of Auditors and SAIs have been discussed during the meeting in Warsaw. They refer, among others, to the following:

  • transparency of funds to control climate changes and adapt the economy,
  • effectiveness of efforts taken in the agricultural sector in Slovenia,
  • prevention of desertification,
  • participation of the Bulgarian SAI in the shaping and development of the climate policy,
  • evaluation of adaptation efforts of the EU Member States from the perspective of the European Environmental Agency,
  • adaptation to climate changes in the power sector in France,
  • implementation of the Floods Directive,
  • integrated approach to provide access to clean water in the Netherlands.

A representative of the SAI of Brazil has presented the Climate scanner, a project oriented on creating a reliable, cross-section source of information about climate changes worldwide.

A representative of the European Regional Centre for Ecohydrology has presented ways of preventing climate changes (already implemented in one of Polish cities) and a concept of the city as a blue-green network, as well as solutions to reduce the toxic algae bloom in reservoirs and lakes.

Group photo of participants of the spring session of the EUROSAI Working Group on Environmental Auditing
Group photo of participants of the EUROSAI WGEA spring session

Exchange of the latest information about the results and methodology of audits conducted or planned by the European SAIs, among others in terms of climate change adaptation in case of Malta or Bulgaria, impact of climate changes on the agricultural sector efficiency or control of consequences of climate change in built-up areas in Sweden, makes it possible to view the planned and conducted audits from a different angle. It also helps strengthen the message that it is essential to take and implement effective steps to control climate changes and shape effective climate policies of states.  


Article informations

Najwyższa Izba Kontroli
Date of creation:
26 May 2023 12:19
Date of publication:
26 May 2023 12:19
Published by:
Marta Połczyńska
Date of last change:
26 May 2023 12:54
Last modified by:
Marta Połczyńska
Spring session of the EUROSAI Working Group on Environmental Auditing

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