SAI Heads of V4+2 Group address effectiveness of state audit

Delegations from six supreme audit institutions debated over new solutions on presenting their work results, considering different groups: MPs, scientists, journalists, modern and technologically advanced youth as well as change consultants and groups of civil societies, growing stronger and stronger.

Delegations from SAIs of the Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Austria and Slovenia during the meeting
Meeting of V4+2 SAIs

The delegates discussed and exchanged experiences and knowledge about the ways of helping the public administration work better in their countries. The meeting participants presented specific examples not only of financial audit results but of real improvements for citizens, such as price reduction in various areas: construction of motorways and bikeways, purchase of tanks, motorway tolls, construction of internet connections, etc.

Presidents of V4+2 SAIs: President of the SAI of Slovakia Ľubomír Andrassy, President of the SAI of Slovenia Jana Ahčin, President of NIK Marian Banaś, President of the SAI of Austria Margit Kraker, President of the SAI of the Czech Republic Miloslav Kala, Vice-President of the SAI of Slovakia Henrieta Crkoňová, President of the SAI of Hungary László Windisch.
Presidents of V4+2 SAIs

Presidents of the V4+2 Group SAIs also presented the latest interactive analytical tools used e.g. for risk assessment, quarterly monitoring of the state budget execution, estimation which entities were not audited, etc. The Group members struggle with similar problems, such as: inflation, growing state spending, declining investments, increasing sovereign debt and establishing foundations and funds outside the budget.

In view of the above, audit strategies change dynamically and need to be updated frequently. The President of the Hungarian SAI who took the office for the 12-year term last year, presented changes to the Act on the State Audit Office of Hungary which were implemented upon his initiative. The changes are to streamline the operation of SAIs, modify the institution’s charter, change the status of auditors, strengthen SAIs’ independence and consolidate the audit mandate.

The weight of international cooperation was underscored, as one of tools which make it possible to get through to the public opinion, the government, journalists and MPs more effectively. In the current economic and geopolitical landscape, independence from the executive and effective operation of SAIs play an increasingly significant role, as their unbiased audits ensure proper public spending.

NIK will host the meeting of the V4+2 Group in 2025.

Article informations

Najwyższa Izba Kontroli
Date of creation:
23 May 2023 13:56
Date of publication:
23 May 2023 13:56
Published by:
Marta Połczyńska
Date of last change:
23 May 2023 13:56
Last modified by:
Marta Połczyńska
Memory photo of SAI Heads of V4+2 Group

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