President of NIK Marian Banaś visits the Slovenian Court of Audit

On 26-27 November 2020 President of the Supreme Audit Office of Poland, Marian Banaś, pays a bilateral visit to the Slovenian Court of Audit. President of NIK meets in Ljubljana with the President of the Slovenian SAI, Tomaž Vesel, to sign a cooperation agreement.

President of the Supreme Audit Office of Poland, Marian Banaś and the President of the Slovenian SAI, Tomaž Vesel signing a cooperation agreement

The agreement shall facilitate development of cooperation, enhancement of working methods, as well as exchange of professional experience on public finance auditing. Within their competence the Supreme Audit Office of Poland and the Slovenian Court of Audit will conduct parallel audits, having previously discussed their objectives, programmes, timelines and methodologies. The signed agreement will strengthen further cooperation, whereas the resulting mutual benefits will support the development of the state audit and capacity building of both SAIs.

The Supreme Audit Office of Poland and the Slovenian Court of Audit have a long-established bilateral cooperation. Both SAIs also cooperate within the Visegrad Group. In the last years NIK and the Slovenian SAI have jointly conducted, among others, the international audits concerning the pollution of seas and the implementation of the Helsinki Convention.

President of the Supreme Audit Office of Poland, Marian Banaś and the President of the Slovenian SAI, Tomaž VeselAt the meeting in Ljubljana the Presidents discuss the execution of long-term strategies, use of modern IT tools in the audit process, as well as audits concerning epidemiological security and effects of the Covid-19 pandemic. Another important topic discussed during the visit concerns the direction of the future cooperation between NIK and the Slovenian SAI.

President Marian Banaś and President Tomaž Vesel also debate on the challenges faced by the SAIs of the so called V4+2 Group (SAIs of the Visegrad Group plus Austria and Slovenia). Members of the group, including the Polish and Slovenian SAIs, have been meeting annually since 2003. Effects of the cooperation include common approach to current auditing issues, development of audit methodology, parallel audits and exchange of experience on audit quality assurance.

Article informations

Najwyższa Izba Kontroli
Date of creation:
26 November 2020 14:30
Date of publication:
26 November 2020 15:00
Published by:
Andrzej Gaładyk
Date of last change:
26 November 2020 18:10
Last modified by:
Andrzej Gaładyk
Logos of NIK and  Slovenian Court of Audit, below flags of Poland and Slovenia © Adobe Stock

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