NIK representative in Bangkok at the forum of SAIs with jurisdictional competence

The forum was an occasion for collective reflection over the fight against financial fraud and corruption. Also, the issue of SAIs’ place in the national and transnational mechanism was addressed.

A presentation during the forum of SAIs with jurisdictional competence in Bangkok  Representatives of the SAI of Benin at the forum of SAIs with jurisdictional competence in Bangkok

Three discussion panels highlighting the following issues were part of the meeting:

  • the role of national SAIs in the fight against financial fraud and corruption,
  • the need for transnational cooperation and information exchange,
  • prevention and awareness-raising among citizens and other interested parties.

A presentation during the forum of SAIs with jurisdictional competence in Bangkok  Participants of the forum of SAIs with jurisdictional competence in Bangkok

During the forum it was also indicated what benefits could be achieved by developing or strengthening jurisdictional competence of SAIs. Besides, the necessity of institutional support for such initiatives was also underlined. It was stressed that effective execution of SAIs’ jurisdictional competence – in line with professional standards – enhances state management, strengthens citizens’ trust in the management of public funds and consequently makes the holders of public funds more credible.

Group photo of participants of the forum of SAIs with jurisdictional competence in Bangkok


Article informations

Najwyższa Izba Kontroli
Date of creation:
26 October 2023 12:50
Date of publication:
26 October 2023 12:50
Published by:
Marta Połczyńska
Date of last change:
26 October 2023 12:50
Last modified by:
Marta Połczyńska
A presentation during the forum of SAIs with jurisdictional competence in Bangkok

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