NIK President visited the National Audit Office of Lithuania

The Three Seas is an economic and political initiative associating 12 EU countries located in the vicinity of the Baltic Sea, the Adriatic Sea and the Black Sea. Presidents Marian Banaś and Mindaugas Macijauskas talked about the meeting of the Three Seas countries’ SAI Heads to be held in Poland and scheduled for October. Both SAI Heads also addressed the issue of using IT techniques in auditing. They also discussed the possibility of taking up joint audits by the SAIs of Poland and Lithuania. At the end of the visit, NIK President laid flowers at the place where the heart of Marshall Józef Piłsudski is buried, at the military cemetery near Rossa Cemetery and on the grave of the 2nd NIK President Jan Żarnowski who assumed the office in 1921 following the death of Józef Higersberger.

  Presidents of the SAIs of Poland and Lithuania shaking hands NIK President Marian Banaś signing a document

Auditors of NIK and the National Audit Office of Lithuania conducted numerous parallel audits, among others on implementing provisions of the Helsinki Convention on the protection of the Baltic Sea (the Helsinki Convention); safety related to animal epidemic diseases (epizootic) in Poland, Lithuania and Slovakia (in 2010), the parallel audit of national parks coordinated by the Lithuanian SAI (in 2012 the SAIs of Croatia and Bulgaria also participated in the audit).

In 2012, the auditors from Lithuania together with the auditors from the SAIs of Denmark, Austria and the Netherlands carried out the peer review of NIK, where Auditor General of Lithuania Mindaugas Macijauskas was part of the team of experts. The National Audit Office of Lithuania together with NIK participated in the peer review of the SAI of Hungary which was completed in 2016. In 2018, the NIK auditors together with experts from the European Court of Auditors and the British National Audit Office conducted the peer review of the National Audit Office of Lithuania.

Flowers laid at the military cemetery in Vilnius

In 2017, Presidents of the SAIs of Poland and Lithuania signed the “Declaration of partnership and cooperation” in Łódź. It included commitment to mutual exchange of professional experiences between the two institutions.

The National Audit Office of Lithuania chairs the EUROSAI Task Force on Municipality Audit. NIK is an active participant of this group. The Lithuanian SAI is also a member of the Sub-Committee on Internal Control Standards, of which NIK is the Chair.

The SAI of Lithuania is a member of the EUROSAI Governing Board and NIK President is a Deputy Chair of the EUROSAI Governing Board.

In June 2023, the National Audit Office of Lithuania will host the meeting of the Governing Board of EUROSAI.


Article informations

Najwyższa Izba Kontroli
Date of creation:
23 January 2023 16:35
Date of publication:
23 January 2023 16:35
Published by:
Marta Połczyńska
Date of last change:
23 January 2023 16:35
Last modified by:
Marta Połczyńska
 Presidents of the SAIs of Poland and Lithuania shaking hands

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