NIK at the meeting of the EUROSAI Governing Board in Vilnius

The 58th meeting of the Governing Board of EUROSAI (European Organisation of Supreme Audit Institutions) was held in the middle of June in Vilnius. NIK President has been a member of the EUROSAI Governing Board since 2017 (it is his second term now), at the same time holding the post of EUROSAI Vice-President. Other members of the EUROSAI Governing Board are the heads of SAIs of the following countries: Czech Republic (President) and Israel (Vice-President) as well as Lithuania, Latvia, Turkey, Great Britain and Spain (Secretary General of EUROSAI).

Meetings of the EUROSAI Governing Board are held on an annual basis. They provide an opportunity to present the implementation status of projects and initiatives as part of the EUROSAI Strategic Plan. The Plan defines two main strategic goals of EUROSAI: (1) Professional Cooperation and (2) Institutional Capacity Development. NIK and the SAI of Sweden jointly coordinate the implementation of Strategic Goal 2 (SG2).

58th meeting of the Governing Board of EUROSAI in Vilnius
58th meeting of the EUROSAI Governing Board in Vilnius

In Vilnius the NIK delegation presented the implementation status of projects being part of SG2, e.g. training programmes in the English-language terminology on audit and control and workshops on non-statistical data mining techniques in the performance audit (the so-called Data Envelopment Analysis - DEA).

Both NIK and the SAI of Portugal represent EUROSAI in the Governing Board of INTOSAI (International Organisation of Supreme Audit Institutions). That is why, at the meeting in Vilnius they presented arrangements of the last meeting of the INTOSAI Governing Board which are relevant for EUROSAI or its functioning. NIK also outlined a report on the activity of the EUROSAI Working Group on Environmental Auditing (WGEA) which NIK has chaired since 2021.

Group photo of participants of the 58th meeting of the Governing Board of EUROSAI in Vilnius
Group photo of participants of the 58th meeting of the EUROSAI Governing Board in Vilnius

This year the Governing Board of EUROSAI has taken some key decisions. Among others, it approved the draft of new Strategic Plan of the Organisation for 2024–2030 and extended the validity of the statement on the situation in Ukraine and the suspension of cooperation with the SAIs of the Russian Federation and of the Republic of Belarus. Besides, the EUROSAI Governing Board decided to start works on updating the EUROSAI Statutes by adding provisions to enable official suspension of a membership in the Organisation.

More details: The 58th EUROSAI Governing Board meeting was held in Vilnius on 14-15 June 2023: Summary of Agreements


Article informations

Najwyższa Izba Kontroli
Date of creation:
27 June 2023 16:18
Date of publication:
27 June 2023 16:18
Published by:
Marta Połczyńska
Date of last change:
28 June 2023 08:14
Last modified by:
Andrzej Gaładyk
Group photo of participants of the 58th meeting of the Governing Board of EUROSAI in Vilnius © EUROSAI

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