NIK about healthcare services pricing

At the beginning of January 2015, the healthcare services pricing process was transferred from the National Health Fund to the Agency for Health Technology Assessment and Tariff System. The tariff setting process aims mainly at the healthcare services pricing, adequate to real treatment costs incurred by medical care facilities and independent of the payer (National Health Fund). The tariffs are also supposed to balance the supply of healthcare services and patients’ demand, ensure the highest possible availability of guaranteed benefits and economy in spending public funds.

Key audit findings

The value of healthcare services financed in 2019, for which the CEO of the Agency for Health Technology Assessment and Tariff System published tariffs exceeded PLN 15 billion, whereas the costs of healthcare services totalled over PLN 90 billion. It means that only less than 17% healthcare services were covered by the tariff system.

Healthcare services covered by the tariff system in 2019. medical rehabilitation: 0.3%; outpatient specialist care: 16.3%; psychiatric care and addiction treatment: 17%; hospital treatment: 25.8%; separately contracted services: 73.8%; care and assistance services as part of long-term care: 81.9%; palliative and hospice care: 99.9%. Source: NIK’s analysis based on data of the National Health Fund

In 2015–2020, the Agency for Health Technology Assessment and Tariff System properly performed its tasks related to the tariff setting for healthcare services, under the Act on healthcare services. The Agency CEO developed tariff setting plans for the given year in due time and submitted them for approval to the Minister of Health, including opinions of the President of the National Health Fund and the Tariffs Council. NIK underlines that the tariff setting plans were executed only in 33%. In the audited period, tariffs were not established for 1500 of 2226 healthcare services, which were singled out in the tariff setting plans or ordered by the Minister of Health (works on 776 tariffs were suspended, 299 tariffs were withheld and 426 tariffs were in progress).

Article informations

Najwyższa Izba Kontroli
Date of creation:
13 August 2021 15:58
Date of publication:
13 August 2021 15:58
Published by:
Marta Połczyńska
Date of last change:
25 August 2021 11:11
Last modified by:
Andrzej Gaładyk
physician’s hands on a laptop keyboard and a stethoscope lying nearby © Adobe Stock

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