Good practices of SAIs of Poland, Sweden and Jordan discussed in Stockholm

The Swedish SAI has recently undergone a range of changes to modernise and streamline its functioning. Also the SAI management style has changed. The three Presidents exchanged good practices and conclusions from reform processes in their SAIs.

President of NIK, President of the Swedish SAI with her Deputy and President of the Jordanian SAI
President of NIK, President of the Swedish SAI with her Deputy and President of the Jordanian SAI

President of NIK, President of the Swedish SAI with her Deputy and President of the Jordanian SAI

NIK President Marian Banaś and President of the Audit Bureau of Jordan met in Stockholm with the Secretary General of the Swedish Parliament Ingvar Mattson. They discussed ways how to effectively implement audit recommendations. They also addressed good solutions and challenges.

The SAI Heads agreed that effectively operating Supreme Audit Institutions, having free access to auditees and independent from the executive power are a guarantee of reliable, impartial audit of public spending and improvement of the state functioning.

President of NIK, Secretary General of the Swedish Parliament and President of the Jordanian SAI
President of NIK, Secretary General of the Swedish Parliament and President of the Jordanian SAI

Article informations

Najwyższa Izba Kontroli
Date of creation:
10 June 2022 12:55
Date of publication:
10 June 2022 12:55
Published by:
Marta Połczyńska
Date of last change:
10 June 2022 12:56
Last modified by:
Marta Połczyńska
President of NIK, Secretary General of the Swedish Parliament and President of the Jordanian SAI

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