Condolences for Ukraine

The President of the Supreme Audit Office Marian Banaś conveyed his condolences to the Chairman of the Accounting Chamber of Ukraine Valerii Patskan, with regard to the crash of the Ukrainian military training plane, that carried 27 people on board.

President of NIK expressed his sadness on behalf of all employees of the Supreme Audit Office: Please accept my sincerest condolences and let me convey my deepest sympathy to the families of all those who died tragically in the AN-26 plane crash near Kharkiv. It is a great tragedy, its victims were mainly young people, who have just begun their lives, who were planning to devote their future to aviation and to the service to their country. The pain of this terrible tragedy is hard to imagine.

Let me pass on deepest condolences and express support on behalf of myself and all employees of the Supreme Audit Office - said President Marian Banaś.

The Supreme Audit Office of Poland and the Accounting Chamber of Ukraine have been closely cooperating for many years - both within INTOSAI, EUROSAI, but also bilateral collaboration, resulting from the geographic neighbourhood and slightly similar historical and political experience. The two SAIs have conducted joint audits (among others of water quality of the Bug river, preparation for Euro 2012, transboundary transport of hazardous waste and road infrastructure on border crossings). NIK has also for many years organised trainings and seminars for the Ukrainian colleagues, where they can exchange experience related to work aimed at a more transparent, efficient and effective state, with the Polish auditors.

Article informations

Najwyższa Izba Kontroli
Date of creation:
30 September 2020 08:28
Date of publication:
30 September 2020 08:28
Published by:
Andrzej Gaładyk
Date of last change:
01 October 2020 12:54
Last modified by:
Marta Połczyńska
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