Interview with Henryk Otbo, former Auditor General of Denmark

During his working visit to Warsaw last December, Henrik Otbo, the then Head of the supreme audit institution of Denmark - Rigsrevisionen, in an interview to the NIK website discusses the history of Rigsrevisionen, the most difficult audit he dealt with and the new situation that audit bodies have to face during the economic crisis in Europe.

Auditor General of Denmark

According to Henrik Otbo, supreme audit institutions have new challenges to meet. They should think how to preserve the high quality of their reports and simultaneously generate them faster. They must also consider whether, in the face of the European crisis, they should focus on consulting rather than on auditing only, in order to provide good and effective solutions to the auditees. Another question that SAIs have to answer is how to further strengthen international cooperation to mutually use their experience. The crisis is an additional reason for auditors from different countries to work more closely, to draw on experience of others, and on lessons that others had to learn, claims Henrik Otbo.

Article informations

Najwyższa Izba Kontroli
Date of creation:
05 March 2012 13:52
Date of publication:
05 March 2012 13:52
Published by:
Andrzej Gaładyk
Date of last change:
13 March 2012 14:46
Last modified by:
Andrzej Gaładyk
Interview with Henryk Otbo, Former Auditor General of Denmark

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